The series “General Panic” represents the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic from the very first moment in Europe in march 2020 to the following outbreaks and effects it had on society.
The first illustration pictures people fearing the virus as well as people not caring about it’s existence, emergencies, conspiracy theories or the urge to buy loads of food and drugs for the upcoming quarantine.
The second illustration pictures other scenarios such as Anti-Vaxx people, the increasing presence on social media or the effects the pandemic had on people who lost their jobs.
The third illustration was made for 2020 edition of Pornceptual magazine, with the theme “Fuck 2020”: here the main focus remains on sex during the pandemic. We find people having sex with masks, people exchanging nudes, the rise of Only Fans, Masturbation, Loneliness because of social distancing, Sexting or the difficulty of getting STI test with a pandemic making medical access much more challenging.
The series “General Panic” represents the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic from the very first moment in Europe in march 2020 to the following outbreaks and effects it had on society.
The first illustration pictures people fearing the virus as well as people not caring about it’s existence, emergencies, conspiracy theories or the urge to buy loads of food and drugs for the upcoming quarantine.
The second illustration pictures other scenarios such as Anti-Vaxx people, the increasing presence on social media or the effects the pandemic had on people who lost their jobs.
The third illustration was made for 2020 edition of Pornceptual magazine, with the theme “Fuck 2020”: here the main focus remains on sex during the pandemic. We find people having sex with masks, people exchanging nudes, the rise of Only Fans, Masturbation, Loneliness because of social distancing, Sexting or the difficulty of getting STI test with a pandemic making medical access much more challenging.