Behind all the gold and the splendour of the aesthetic facades and indoor decorations of the parisian bourgeoisie one finds labour, slavery and corruption. France has been playing a significant role in colonialisation – today we can still see the consequences of post-colonial consequences in society. Especially in Paris, one will see a lot of POC people, especially in the suburbs of the city, doing the dirty labour, being underpaid and hiding in the back of those who are white and privileged.
This series aims to depict details of some of the most prestigious buildings in Paris like the Opéra or the Galeries Lafayettes by assembling them first into a digital collage and deconstruct the image in a second step. The question behind this photographical series is: how can we deconstruct post-colonial issues and rethink priviledge?
Behind all the gold and the splendour of the aesthetic facades and indoor decorations of the parisian bourgeoisie one finds labour, slavery and corruption. France has been playing a significant role in colonialisation – today we can still see the consequences of post-colonial consequences in society. Especially in Paris, one will see a lot of POC people, especially in the suburbs of the city, doing the dirty labour, being underpaid and hiding in the back of those who are white and privileged.
This series aims to depict details of some of the most prestigious buildings in Paris like the Opéra or the Galeries Lafayettes by assembling them first into a digital collage and deconstruct the image in a second step. The question behind this photographical series is: how can we deconstruct post-colonial issues and rethink priviledge?